**Wednesday Night Gatherings occur March-October. Bible Study, guest speakers, testimony nights, and restaurant nights are all part of our Wednesday night gatherings.
Welcome Message
Thanks for visiting our website. White Stone Quarry Baptist Church is a church where you will be loved and cared for. Although our church may be small in number, we are big in spirit. God has more than doubled the size of our congregation in the past two years. As some of us like to say, “He ain’t done yet!”
At White Stone, discipleship and fellowship are two main ingredients within our congregation. Discipleship & Fellowship is more than a Sunday morning Bible Study. Our discipleship & fellowship ministry is both organized and intentional as well as organic and unintentional. We love to break bread together, laugh together and just live life together; whether that’s in a pew, a classroom or someone’s home, we strive to allow our church family just to become family!
White Stone desires to be a church that gathers and scatters! We gather on the Sabbath and most Wednesday nights and we also scatter; at restaurants, in people’s homes and even in other churches. We are proud to be a sending church! Recently, one of our church members became the Senior Pastor at Providence Knob Baptist Church. Who says a small church can’t do big things for the Kingdom?
We would be honored for you to come visit and take part in what God is doing at white Stone. We not only want you but we need you! Come and be the answer to prayer for many of our church members. We know the Lord desires to continue in growing His church.